πŸ’ͺ6 BENEFITS of VR Training + video examples

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Since recent articles have been more focused on marketing, attention should be given to the benefits of VR training. However, the information and benefits mentioned are generally valid for technology and have their application in marketing as well - so for marketing people, it will also be of interest. Due to the fact that VR technology allows simulating-real processes and situations from the physical world, it is becoming more and more widely applicable and in demand in the field of corporate training.


Here are 6 main benefits of using VR training


1. Teaching abstract concepts and skills πŸ€”πŸ’­


VR is an extremely suitable technology for the visualization of abstract and/or complex concepts related to the work process. An example of this is the use of VR to develop so-called soft skills in the context of sales, negotiations or feedback.


2. Visualizing complex topics/processes πŸ§‘ πŸŽ“


In addition to abstract and unpredictable scenarios, in Virtual Reality, it is possible to simulate complex or otherwise expensive processes. In this way, for example, workers in an industrial company can handle expensive tools and machines without fear of damaging them. This accelerates the process of learning and acquiring the skills required by the given worker for the given process.


By providing a safe environment for experimentation, without the risk of real-world consequences, VR training accelerated the learning process, which helped workers develop practical skills more quickly and be prepared for the real work environment.



3. Improve problem-solving skills πŸ€”πŸ’‘


By participating in VR simulations and role-playing exercises from the real work environment, employees improve their decision-making abilities as well as collaboration skills.


In addition, VR training is also applicable in situations with a higher risk to the health/safety of employees. Thus, they have the opportunity to practice their critical decision-making skills through interactive practical exercises, allowing their areas of weakness to be identified and to receive immediate feedback.



4. Increases cooperation and communication πŸ‘₯🀝


The simulation of real-world scenarios in VR training allows for the development of skills for better communication and collaboration with colleagues. The "immersion" effect and the gamification of scenarios through interactions predispose employees to communication and interaction with each other. Logically, this also has an effect on the sense of belonging to the team and teamwork in general.



5. Offers a safe and controlled environment πŸ‘·πŸ§·


This benefit was mentioned in point two, but it deserves to be singled out on its own. The possibility of making a literally fatal mistake while operating a dangerous machine, but without the fatal consequences, was until recently plain and simple unthinkable. This is exactly what VR safety training offers. Placed in a Virtual Reality simulation, one can practice skills and scenarios that would not be possible in the real world. This provides an additional aspect of experiential learning and greatly speeds up the learning process. This is particularly important, for example, in healthcare or heavy industry, where employees work in high-risk environments for their health and safety.



6. Improves retention and understanding of information πŸ§ πŸ“š


The "immersion" or "immersion" effect mentioned in point 4 is at the core of every VR experience, training is no exception. Thanks to this phenomenon, while watching VR different areas of our brain are activated, one of which is the hippocampus, which is responsible for spatial orientation, creating memories, and memory (source, study). The more our senses and our attention are focused and engaged in doing a given activity, the more effectively we remember the information related to it - VR training simulations provide exactly this opportunity.





➑️ #1 Increasing the effectiveness of training πŸ“ˆπŸ’ͺ

With VR training, it is possible to speed up the training process and increase the effectiveness of the training itself. Because VR simulations are more fun and interactive, employees are more engaged in the learning process and absorb the material faster. At the same time, VR training allows managers to monitor and evaluate employee performance more effectively.


➑️ #2 Cost savings πŸ’°πŸ’Έ

As VR training allows training and simulations to be carried out in a safe environment, without the need for real tools and equipment, companies can save significant costs in terms of purchasing and maintaining equipment and training tools. In addition, companies can also save on travel and accommodation costs for employees during training.




The benefits of VR training or using VR for corporate training are many and varied, including increased engagement, improved knowledge retention, and improved critical thinking and decision-making abilities. To take full advantage of VR technology in corporate training and development, it is critical to ensure high-quality content and effective integration between VR training and workflow.


🚩 See some of the previous newsletters for tips on how to create successful VR content.


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